Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Gulf Oil Spill

The oil spill that happened in the Gulf was a very bad thing. I think that the people who made the machine and came up with that idea should be the ones to take blame for what happened. It isn't entirely their fault but it was mainly there fault and there were things they could have done to prevent this. They should have taken more time to plan this so that they could thing about the consequences that could happen. If they had done this then the oil spill would most likely not have happened. BP oil are the people who constructed the drilling to happen so it is mainly their fault because they could have done more research to make sure that this procedure was safe. Although they are not the only people who are at fault for this. We as people have to take some of the blame because we demand oil. People use it in everyday life and we needed to find ways to get the oil. I don't think that anyone should be punished but we should learn from this and be careful and more cautious for the next time we need to drill oil.

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