Sunday, May 29, 2011

Current Event

The main point of this article is to inform everyone about the damage that has been cause because of a tornado.  Many people have never experienced a tornado so they don't know what its like or what they can do. The tornado in Joplin killed several people in injured many. It also destroyed many buildings including a hospital which is very important at a time like this when there are people injured who need help. It also caused many people to be without electricity or even homes. Joplin was right in the path of the tornado.

I think that tornado's are a horrible thing. It can change many people lives. People can lose family, friends, houses and many other important things. Tornados hurt and kill many innocent people. It's sad to see how many people die in one place at one all because of a tornado. It must be hard to live somewhere that you have to worry about that type of stuff happening to you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Acid Rain

1. Acid rain is caused by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

2. There is so much acid rain in Pennsylvania they burn a lot of high sulfur coal in power plants.

3. Power production is  a big part of how acid rain forms. Another big mark it automobiles. Lightening and biological processes make nitrogen naturally.